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The Ancient Coin Collectors Guild has become a driving force in the ongoing effort to protect coin collectors and museums in which coins are stored from being forced to give up these items to foreign governments under the premise the coins are the cultural patrimony of the claimant nation. —          Richard Giedroyc, World Coin News April 26, 2010

Please Support HR 7865, a bill to facilitate the lawful trade of coins

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An overview of the issue plus info on the legal import of restricted items.


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The Ancient Coin Collectors Guild

is a non-profit organization committed to promoting the free and independent collecting of coins from antiquity.

The goal of the guild is to foster an environment in which the general public can confidently and legally acquire and hold any numismatic item of historical interest regardless of date or place of origin.

ACCG strives to achieve its goals through education, political action, and consumer protection.

Who are we?

We are collectors and numismatic professionals who care passionately about preserving, studying and displaying ancient coins from all cultures. Since the Renaissance, coin collectors and dealers have been responsible for most numismatic research. The efforts of generations of numismatists have led to the discovery and conservation of untold numbers of ancient coins as well as a better public understanding of the ancient cultures that created them.

Why are we concerned?

The ACCG was formed to provide a voice for ancient coin collectors on issues that threaten the hobby. Given a widespread disinformation campaign about the extent of looting at the Iraq and Afghan national museums, we fear that ideologues within the archaeological establishment have subverted laudable efforts to protect public collections and archaeological sites into a crusade to suppress the public's longstanding right to preserve, study and display antiquities, including ones as common as ancient coins. Unless we provide decision makers in the legislative and administrative branches of government with our own views on the complex issues surrounding preservation of historical sites, we face the prospect that our right to collect ancient coins will be legislated out of existence by ill-informed decision makers who have been told that anything "old" should belong to the government of the country where it is found, and that only academic elites should have a right to study and preserve the artifacts of the past.

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1626 Belle View Blvd, #7073

Alexandria   VA  22307

phone:  +1 (504) 430-2258

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Goal: $10,000.00
Collected: $9,190.00

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