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March 15, 2022 12:10 PM | Sue McGovern-Huffman (Administrator)

Effective Date: January 19, 2011

Source: 76 Fed. Reg. 3012-3014 (Jan. 19, 2011).

The Designated List is as follows:

F. Coins of Italian Types—A type catalogue of listed currency and coins can be found in N.K. Rutter et al. (eds.), Historia Numorum: Italy (London,2001). Others appear in G.F. Hill Coins of Ancient Sicily (Westminster, 1903).

1. Lumps of bronze (Aes Rude)—Irregular lumps of bronze used as an early medium of exchange in Italy from the 9th century B.C.

2. Bronze bars (Ramo Secco and AesSignatum)—Cast bronze bars (whole or cut) used as a media of exchange in central Italy and Etruria from the 5th century B.C.

3. Cast coins (Aes Grave)—Cast bronze coins of Rome, Etruscan, and Italian cities from the 4th century B.C.

4. Struck coins—Struck coins of the Roman Republic and Etruscan cities produced in gold, silver, and bronze from the 3rd century B.C. to c. 211 B.C., including the ‘‘Romano-Campanian’’ coinage.

5. Struck colonial coinage—Struck bronze coins of Roman republican and early imperial colonies and municipia in Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia from the 3rd century B.C. to c. A.D. 37.

6. Coins of the Greek cities—Coins of the Greek cities in the southern Italian peninsula and in Sicily (Magna Graecia), cast or struck in gold, silver, and bronze, from the late 6th century B.C. to c. 200 B.C.

Comment: Italy is another country where restrictions are ridiculous given the country’s immense legal internal market in ancient coins. This designated list encompasses large denomination Sicilian issues that are thought to have circulated in quantity outside of the confines of modern-day Italy. Thankfully, no restrictions have been put in place on late Roman Republican and Roman Imperial issues that mostly circulated outside of Italy. This exclusion makes sense. Scholarly research demonstrates that only 2.8% of Roman Imperial coin hoards containing coins from Italian mints are found within Italy itself making it impossible to fairly consider them Italian cultural patrimony.


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